Modified env groups should take precedence in preview environments

I’ve got a Rails 7 app which I’ve managed to successfully deploy to Render using a blueprint.

In my blueprint, I’ve configured a web and worker service which both share some env vars from one env group called app-settings.

Once setup, I added an additional env var to this group in the Render dashboard RAILS_MASTER_KEY as i don’t want to commit that value into git.

When I deployed a preview app via a PR, Render creates a copy of the app-settings env group for the PR but it looks like it copies the original definition from the blueprint yaml. I’d expect the preview apps to use the modified env group from the dashboard as I don’t want to have to manually set up the RAILS_MASTER_KEY every time a preview app is created?

Hi @axe,

I responded to you privately but wanted to follow up here as well. Unfortunately, there’s some unintuitive behavior at the time when copying over manually entered environment variable values to Preview Environments. In order to copy these over to the Preview Environment, the group will need to be manually created from the UI, then you can reference the group in your render.yaml via the fromGroup syntax: rather than listing out the whole group spec in your yaml.

Yup that makes sense, thanks for clarifying