Intermittent cron job failures

Hi there,

I recently moved from build-Docker-on-Render to Render pulling the Docker image from GitHub and I have a couple of cron jobs that seem to intermittently fail, seemingly without a reason. The logs show nothing interesting. Is there a way for me to debug why this might be happening? Running the jobs locally works fine. Triggering a manual cron from the Render UI also seems to work fine.


The logs are still running fine, right? We’re aware of an issue where crons are showing up as ‘failed’ in the dashboard because of an issue with the error propagation, but the cron should run just fine. We’re still investigating the issue.

Render Support, UTC+3

Logs are fine, yep. That is/was the puzzling part for me, the log output is like nothing is going wrong — the logs contain exactly the output I expect from the cron. But occasionally the cron still ends up in a failed state, even though it ran, logs are fine, etc.

We’ll follow up on our end with our engineering team on this to find a resolution in the short of mid term. In the meantime, sorry for this, it shouldn’t affect the health of your cron which is the critical part.

Render Support, UTC+3


We will be working on mitigating the issue to enhance user experience for this particular issues asap. If your cron job is running OK and you’re not observing any odd behavior, you can mostly ignore this event, as it’s just a case of incorrect reporting.

Render Support, UTC+3

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