Installing python PIP for static websites initialization

Trying to install a static website which is from this repo :
GitHub - squidfunk/mkdocs-material: Documentation that simply works)

would like to know the way to get this deployment functional as it requires python commands

Hi there,

Python is actually available in our static environment - I was able to deploy this to us ( using a build command set to:

pip install mkdocs; pip install mkdocs-material-extensions; pip install pymdown-extensions; pip install mkdocs-macros-plugin; pip install mkdocs-material; pip install mkdocs-redirects; pip install mkdocs-minify-plugin; mkdocs build --site-dir public

and a publish directory set to:


This was a bit of trial and error, I expected to just be able to pip install -r requirements.txt but that didn’t seem to include all the dependencies - looking at current and old issues on the project I was able to deduce what was needed.

Hope this helps,

John B

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