Google authentication not working on the deployed site

I am facing issues with google authentication. after I click on the sign in with google button my emails are not shown. here is the website link

Hi there,

I’m sorry, but you will need to provide more specific details as to what your issue may be here. Have you checked your service logs? Do you see any errors on the browser’s console that may shed any light on what the issue may be?


Render Support, UTC+10 :australia:

The console log section is empty when I try to use the hosted web app. nor is there an issue I can see in the networks tab. The problem is that when I click the button sign in with google the emails are not shown in the dialog box that pops up.because of which I am unable to use the further sections of the website. and this problem doesn’t exist on the localhost.

Hi there,

It looks like your call to Google is returning a 403. Are you using the correct client details and do you allow your Google client to be called from Render?


Render Support, UTC+10 :australia:

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