FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory

Hello All !

I’m trying to deploy some dash code to render and got stuck with “FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘PM25_disease/pollution_analysis/data/GBD2019 at main · DSAGRO3F/PM25_disease · GitHub’”

Here is project structure:

Here are first lines of code where path variable is initialized,

path = ''

def load_dfs(path):
    l_df = []
    l_words = []
    l_years = []
    list_files = [file for file in os.listdir(path) if file.endswith('.csv')]
    l_1 = [file for file in list_files if 'Lower' not in file]
    l_2 = [file for file in l_1 if 'Upper' not in file]
    l_3 = [file for file in l_2 if 'GEMM' not in file]
    l_4 = [file for file in l_3 if 'MRBRT' not in file]
    nb_elements = len(l_4)
    #print(f'nb_elements dans l_4 : {nb_elements}')
    #print(f'l_4 : {l_4}')
    #restricted_words_list = ['COPD', 'DM', 'IHD', 'LBW', 'LC', 'LRI', 'PTB', 'Stroke']
    for file in l_4:
        idx = l_4.index(file)
        if idx < nb_elements:
            words_in_name_file = file.split('_')
            if words_in_name_file[0] != 'CoExposure':
                year = file.split('_')[-4]
                word = file.split('_')[-1].split('.')[-2]
                df = pd.read_csv(path+'/'+file)
                df = pd.read_csv(path+'/'+file)
                df_iso = df.loc[:, ['Location', 'ISO3']]
    return l_years, l_words, l_df, df_iso

l_years, l_words, l_df, df_iso = load_dfs(path)
list_of_d_words = [{str(word): word} for word in l_words]
list_of_d_years = [{str(year): year} for year in l_years]

I am wrong somewhere but cannot say where for now,

Thank you for your help on this !

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