Exited with status 128 while running your code.

The problem I’m having is related to running a Docker container on the Render platform. There were no errors during the build of the container, and the image was successfully uploaded to the Docker registry. However, when trying to run the container on Render, it failed with error 128.

Hi Salamat,

Exit Code 128 means that code within the container triggered an exit command but did not provide a valid exit code.

Can you add some additional logging or exception-handling tools to your application code to see if that yields useful context?



Hi Matt
I am facing the problem with my flask application. In my case I specified the docker cmd in the settings of the application?

The logs show this error:
‘“python:config.gunicorn” “src.app:create_main_and_celery_apps(config_type='production')” --bind’ doesn’t exist

I then tried to run the same command as the one used for Heroku deplyoment as described here but I am getting a different error:

The scr folder is where the app.py file is

Many thanks

Hi Salamat,

You can add additional logging from your application; just write to STDOUT, and the logs should display in your service logs.

It’s also always a great idea to send your logs to a Log Stream so you can retain them for longer than 7 days, and have more powerful querying functionality.



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