I’m new to this and trying to deploy my web app using node.js but unable to
It looks like your app is crashing while starting. Is your code working locally?
Jérémy, Render Support
Yes, It’s working fine in localhost
Are there no more logs? Common errors when things work locally and not on Render are for example wrong environmental variables or connection strings, e.g. trying to connect to a local version of postgres, timing out or making requests to unreachable endpoints. I would suggest going over things like that.
error popping up in your last deploy:
Dec 22 08:38:52 AM Error: Cannot find module 'dotenv'
errors imply you haven’t installed your dependencies. Either at all, (e.g. missing npm install
) or that the package is in your devDependencies
and you need to either move it to dependencies or include the devDependencies
in your install [https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/v8/commands/npm-install#:~:text=With%20the%20--production,production%3Dfalse.]
Jérémy, Render Support
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