This sentence has been translated. I recently started using Render and web, and I am being taught by ChatGPT. I created a certificate using “openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem”, and tried to make it compatible with HTTP2 by starting it with “hypercorn --bind$PORT --certfile cert.pem --keyfile key.pem app:app”. However, although it shows “INFO:hypercorn.error:Running on (CTRL + C to quit)”, it also shows" ==> No open HTTP ports detected on, continuing to scan…" and fails.
How can I resolve this issue?
well why do you even want to generate an SSL certificate?
Your application must not listen for HTTPS. HTTPS is managed by Render, HTTPS is terminated external to your service.
The Render routing infrastructure receives the request, removes HTTPS, and the routes the request internally, still securely, as plain HTTP to your service’s instance(s). Responses are re-encrypted when being delivered to the visitor.
Your service should not listen on HTTPS, it only needs to listen on one plain HTTP port. You should remove the --certfile
and --keyfile
options and their accompanying values from your Start Command.