ERR_PNPM_BAD_PM VERSION This project is configured to use v9.0.4 of pnpm. Your current pnpm is v9.0.2

ERR_PNPM_BAD_PM VERSION This project is configured to use v9.0.4 of pnpm. Your current pnpm is v9.0.2

Hi there,

Can you please try adding corepack enable to your build command so NodeJS will add the correct version of pnpm as per your package.json. Your build command will look something like corepack enable && pnpm install && pnpm build.


Render Support, UTC+10 :australia:

thanks :grinning:

Hi there,

I beleive running corepack enable should set pnpm to the version listed in the packageManager field in your package.json. If this version is a downgrade from our default version, it should downgrade pnpm. If this is working, it is probably best if you open a ticket directly with us from our dashboard using the Help menu.


Render Support, UTC+10 :australia: