Continuing to scan for open port 5000


May 12 03:07:07 PM==> Using Node version 20.12.2 (default)

May 12 03:07:07 PM==> Docs on specifying a Node version: Setting Your Node.js Version | Render Docs

May 12 03:07:07 PM==> Using Bun version 1.1.0 (default)

May 12 03:07:07 PM==> Docs on specifying a bun version: Setting your Bun Version | Render Docs

May 12 03:07:09 PM==> Running ‘node server.js’

May 12 03:07:13 PMServer is listening on port 5000…

May 12 03:07:57 PM==> Continuing to scan for open port 5000 (from PORT environment variable)…

May 12 03:09:00 PM==> Continuing to scan for open port 5000 (from PORT environment variable)…

May 12 03:10:03 PM==> Continuing to scan for open port 5000 (from PORT environment variable)…

May 12 03:11:06 PM==> Continuing to scan for open port 5000 (from PORT environment variable)…

Hi there,

Have you had the chance to read through our host and port config docs yet?

That’s always stop #1 for troubleshooting these kind of issues.

If that doesn’t help, we can continue investigating.


Render Support Engineer, MT (UTC-6, UTC-7 in Winter)

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