Cannot find type definition file for 'Multer' + Render Build Only

I have an express api that I am trying to publish. I had it working until I added image upload to it with Multer. I got this working locally however once I deploy to render I get the following errors

Cannot find type definition file for ‘Multer’.

May 7 11:33:19 AM The file is in the program because:
May 7 11:33:19 AM Entry point of type library ‘Multer’ specified in compilerOptions
May 7 11:33:19 AM tsconfig.json:34:46
May 7 11:33:19 AM 34 “types”: [“jest”, “node”, “express”, “Multer”]
May 7 11:33:19 AM File is entry point of type library specified here.
May 7 11:33:19 AMsrc/modules/system/file/controllers/file-image.controller.ts:22:53 - error TS2694: Namespace ‘global.Express’ has no exported member ‘Multer’.

If I remove “Multer” from my tsconfig types then it breaks locally with a similar error. Here are the steps I have taken to remove this error from my local machine:


"devDependencies: {
    "@types/express": "^4.17.21",
    "@types/multer": "^1.4.11",


    "types": ["jest", "node", "express", "Multer"]

I also have a types.d.ts file at the root of my project with the following

import { Details } from 'express-useragent'

declare global {
    namespace Express {
        interface Request {
            useragent?: Details
            ipAddress?: string

Any help would be appreciated

Hi Jason,

Is there a reason you have this only in your devDependenies, and not in your dependancies?



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