Can not deploy typescript mern app

i got this error when i deploy my mern app with typescript
TypeError [ERR_UNKNOWN_FILE_EXTENSION]: Unknown file extension “.ts” for /opt/render/project/src/backend/index.ts

repo → GitHub - capo33/cooking-blog


Hi there,

Unless something has changed recently, don’t you need to use ts-node when running Typescript or transpile it to Javascript with tsc first and then run the Javascript? It may depend on how you are running this on Render as this is clear from the limited information you have given. You have the following scripts defined:

"start": "TG_ALLOW_MIXED=ALLOW node backend/index","server": "nodemon backend/index",

Node itself won’t work and the start script is probably causing this, you probably should have ts-node. Nodemon is actually aware you are running Typescript and will use ts-node instead of node to run your code.


Render Support, UTC+10 :australia:

Thanks for your replay.
i got the message Build successful :tada: but then it fail because of this line (node:50) Warning: To load an ES module, set “type”: “module” in the package.json or use the .mjs extension.
so i tried many ways to avoid that but did not work
any other solution

Thanks in advance

Hi there,

I think you need to add something like tsc -p backend/tsconfig.json and then run your app with node backend/build/index.js


Render Support, UTC+10 :australia:

Hello Keith!

Thank you so much that’s really work, you have save many days of debugging :slight_smile:, now i am able to deploy all typescript apps




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