Build just sort of hangs after pushing image to registry

Doing my first build on Render. It looks like it has built the Docker image and pushed it the repository. But then… nothing for the last 20 minutes or so.

Last few lines of the logs:

Sep 5 02:41:25 PM  #46 exporting cache
Sep 5 02:41:25 PM  #46 preparing build cache for export
Sep 5 02:43:19 PM  #46 DONE 114.1s
Sep 5 02:43:19 PM  Pushing image to registry...
Sep 5 02:43:46 PM  DONE

Still says the build is “In progress”

Any idea how to debug this sort of thing?

I’m seeing this as well today. Previous builds worked fine. (While this is not my first build, I am still a newbie, so it may be me and not the service.)

And attempting to roll back to a previous, successful deployment is always
timing out:

I am starting to suspect it might not be me.

We are also experiencing that the orchestration layers appear to be out of sync with underlying containers. For us, we are unable to get our preview environments running.

Is that something you’ve seen often?

I’m giving Render a try and like a lot of what they’re doing. But not sure what to do when things are just broken. Not so much of a problem when just testing but not a nice thought if it happened when I was actually running production on it!

I took a look at your service here and the resultant docker container from the build is crashing when it starts or its not remaining running.

John B

Hi John! Thank you, any idea how would I figure that out on my own? From what I could see it just froze and I had no feedback…

Hi there,
We’re getting a port refusal when we try and run the health check - are you specifying a port perhaps?

John B

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