Best practices connecting to aws/s3

I wanted to know if what is the best practices connecting to aws/s3 using 3rd party IAM role (similar how it would be done with ec2)

any help and guided tutorial would be great

Hi there,

We don’t have any Render specific advice here, but personally I’d say to always keep the access to a minimal - so an IAM role that only has access to the bucket that it needs to that’s used by your services deployed to vendor x - that why you know which credentials are used by which vendor when it comes to rotatating them,


John B
Render Support, UTC :uk:

thanks for the tip. but going with secret key is the way to go? or there is a way to give I am permission to render via cli or similar?

Typically you’ll be using the aws S3 SDK which requires various configuration options, usually access key, secret stored as environment variables for sure and you’ll need have your code make the calls it needs to interact with S3.

John B
Render Support, UTC :uk:

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