Auto-logged out every time I try sign in

I have cleared cookies, used all types of browsers, and different sign-in methods every time I get logged out immediately. How can this be happening with such a service?

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I’m having the same issue, too — Render team, can someone take a look?

Facing same issue. Used Github for sign-in.

Same issue here - this is the second time in a week where there are serious issues blocking me from deploying.

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I have the same isse with GitHub for signin.

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Same issue, tried Github & Google, same problem

Could you please update page to follow issue progress :crossed_fingers:

:wave: Hi everyone, Jess from Render here.

Sorry for the disruption and thanks for reporting. :pray:
We’ve rolled out a fix. :white_check_mark:

If you’re still having trouble logging in:

  • It may be due to you hitting a rate limit on logins, so take a break and try again in a bit.
  • If you continue to hit problems, please comment here, or email me directly (jess@).

Hi there,

I’m very sorry, but we had an incident with our dashboard which would have prevented you from logging in:


Render Support, UTC+10 :australia:

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