Are dhango-channels even supported on Make it clear so I move on to another service

I have spent hours deploying my django channels app in and deploying stuck at

2024-01-01 10:14:10,865 INFO Starting server at tcp:port=10000:interface=
Jan 1 10:14:10 PM2024-01-01 10:14:10,866 INFO HTTP/2 support enabled
Jan 1 10:14:10 PM2024-01-01 10:14:10,866 INFO Configuring endpoint tcp:port=10000:interface=
Jan 1 10:14:10 PM2024-01-01 10:14:10,867 INFO Listening on TCP address

I don’t see any of the documentation to help deploying django app to except that few word fancy page.

Community support is bad with two or three moderators who are no expert in python/django except of little to none knowledge of Ports and always suggests same configuration over and over.

Pricings are touching the sky and you can’t even make a guide documentation for How to do something on this platform.


There a Django guide, but it doesn’t specifically cover Django Channels.

While some of us may not be Django experts (me included, I’m from a Ruby dev background), I’m sure we can troubleshoot this with you if you can provide some further details.

Django channels appears to be a feature that covers multiple protocols, not just HTTP & WebSockets. In the case of Render, Web Services are only publicly accessible via HTTP. So only HTTP/WebSockets channels would be available to a public Web Service. If your channel is trying to use a different protocol, that could be the issue.

Render Web Services also only expose one port of your app to the public internet. This is covered in the docs here:

If you are using multiple ports, that again could be an issue if the wrong one is detected.

Please could you share more some specific details of the issue you are experiencing that may help us troubleshoot it with you, e.g. any logs/errors/output, specific URLs, service name/ID, reproduction steps, etc.

If you don’t want to share these details on the community forum, please feel free to raise a ticket from the “Help” or “Contact Support” links while logged into the Dashboard.


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