Error on add Yaml file

I have this issue when i tried to add my Yaml file :

268.56160640.chunk.js:2 TypeError: Cannot read property ‘length’ of undefined
at L (newFromIAC.c8f93630.chunk.js:1)
at Wa (68.56160640.chunk.js:2)
at Ro (68.56160640.chunk.js:2)
at ys (68.56160640.chunk.js:2)
at cu (68.56160640.chunk.js:2)
at su (68.56160640.chunk.js:2)
at Zs (68.56160640.chunk.js:2)
at 68.56160640.chunk.js:2
at t.unstable_runWithPriority (68.56160640.chunk.js:2)
at Gi (68.56160640.chunk.js:2)
at qi (68.56160640.chunk.js:2)
at Ki (68.56160640.chunk.js:2)
at $s (68.56160640.chunk.js:2)
at mo (68.56160640.chunk.js:2)
at t.updateResult (68.56160640.chunk.js:2)
at t.onMutationCompleted (68.56160640.chunk.js:2)
at 68.56160640.chunk.js:2

Someone already have this issue, my Yaml file seems good.

version: 1

pullRequestPreviewsEnabled: true
pullRequestPreviewsExpireAfterDays: 15

# Hasura database
- type: web
  name: lesfoodcuisine-hasura
  env: docker
  autoDeploy: false
  healthCheckPath: /healthz
  dockerfilePath: ./packages/hasura/Dockerfile
  dockerContext: ./packages/hasura
  region: frankfurt
      name: lesfoodcuisine-database
      property: connectionString
    value: true
  - key: PORT
    value: 10000
    generateValue: true
# LesFoodCuisine App
- name: lesfoodcuisine-app
  type: web
  env: node
  region: frankfurt
  healthCheckPath: /
  buildCommand: yarn && yarn workspace @lesfoodcuisine/app build
  startCommand: yarn workspace @lesfoodcuisine/app start

- name: lesfoodcuisine-database
  region: frankfurt

It looks like you’ve been able to deploy your service since posting this. Is this still an issue for you?

Yes it’s good now i have just one issue about memory leaks with node

FATAL ERROR: Ineffective mark-compacts near heap limit Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory

Is it possible to increase the max-old-space-size memory ?

From the docs, it appears that would be an option that you pass in when starting your server.