Can't upload my full stack project


I was doing a full stack course, and i was looking to use your free services just to try and see if my project could work.

So i did a front-end repository on github, and a back-end one. I’ve got a database too but i have it on my mac.

I receive a failed deploy / build for both the front-end and back-end files with Render. Plus, my database is online but i don’t know how to connect it to the one hosted on my mac (postgreSQL with Knex)

the front-end is using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React.
the back-end is using SQL and Knex
for the server i use node.js and express.js

i’ve got this log on the front-end console :

i got the same error in the back-end log console (cant attach it as i am new member)

I miss something i know, but i don’t know where to look…If someone has an idea please don’t hesitate i am still learning. I know my problem is not clearly defined but i do my best

Thanks, have a good day all :slight_smile:

Hi there,

So immediately when I see an error like this I’m thinking casing.

Your include is trying to use src/app.js - is the file in the git repo call that? Or perhaps some other cased version of it? src/App.js is common,


John B

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